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Beyond Cotton
My project is a guidebook on the misuse of objects, illustrated using cotton swabs as a tool for translation. It shows the consequences of cotton swab use, the benefits of earwax, and the proper way to clean your ears, all presented in a cohesive exhibition on ear care.

Oorsmeer Ophoping - silkscreen

Oor Beschadiging - silkscreen

Oor Ontsteking - silkscreen

Gehoor Beschadiging - silkscreen

Expositie Setup - Linoleum on self made paper
Wattenstaaf Artifact - Ceramic

Uitdroging - Fineliner op papier

Bescherming - Fineliner on paper

Overtollig Vocht - Fineliner op papier

Verzuring van het leefgebied - Fineliner op papier

Oor Slakkenhuis - Lino on self made paper
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